dijous, 16 de gener del 2020


Shark swims by Police Officers

Two police officers were controling the sea when a shark apeared swiming. Thankfully, the shark swam away from them.

I think that is a shocking new, but Australia is full of sharks so I think it's not very important. But if I was one of the police officers, I would be son scared.


Dinghy: small boat

Bra saved a women's life

A Brazilian women was shot with a bullet, but the bullet impacted in the bra and she didn't die.

In my opinion this is a strange new, because not all the days are murders, and besides not all the days a bra saved the life of a woman. I think that someone can make antibullets bras.


Crossfire: foc creuat
Embedded: incrustat

Resultat d'imatges per a "bra""Snakes under house

A man from Texas went under his house after high winds and found 45 rattlesnakes.

I think it's an another shocking bnew but different. Snakes, when weather warms up, they hid where thay can, so it's not an incredible new. I think that if the weather is not good, you have to be carefull with places that snakes can live.


Crawled: anar de 4 potes
Distrupted: desbaretat
Resultat d'imatges per a "rattlesnake""

dijous, 9 de gener del 2020

New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions

1. Quit eating my nails
2. Lose weight
3. Do more sport
4. Spent less time with my mobile
5. Spent more time with family and friends

My most urgent New Year's resolution is to quit eating my nails. I proposed every year ago but I never achieved. I eat nails since I was very young. It's not worrying, but my ring finger has little nail. All the people tell me that it's disgusting but I continue eating. I eat my nails beacuse I am nervous, (when I have exams or important things.) The main problem is that I don't let time to grow them.
I tryed to quit eating nails, but it's impossible for me. I put a sour liquid on my nails, but it didn't work. The flavour was so bad, but the desire to eat my nails is more powerful.

This year I will cover my ring fingers with adesive tape. With effort and sacrifice I think that I will achieve!