dijous, 12 de març del 2020


HIGH ANGLE: This photo was taken in this angle because the photographer wants to represent the eyes of a person looking to the dog.

Resultat d'imatges per a "high angle"

arbre, conjunt de roba, de moda

LOW ANGLE: The photo was taken in this angle because wants to show us superiority and freedom.

adult, ancians, buscant

A SLANTED ANGLE: This photo was taken on this angle to shows us an intimidated face. It shows us sabidury and expirience.

adult, atractiu, bellesa

EYE LEVEL ANGLE: It shows us the eyes and the leaf from eye to eye. She intimidates me.

alba, capvespre, celAERIAL PHOTO:  This photo was taken with this angle to show us alL the city. The city is so big, but it seems very small. 

a l'aire lliure, bellesa, bonic
CLOSE UP SHOTS: This photo was taken show her face and feelings. She is serious an intimidates me.

Resultat d'imatges per a "long shot photo"
LONG SHOT: It shows all the secene. The background is more important than the foreground.

desgast, dona, estil
Resultat d'imatges per a "panoramica"MEDIUM SHOT: It shows just a part of the body and the face. It's important the action and the background.

WIDE SHOT: this photo is taken in a wide angle to show the beatifull landscape: the mountains and the hills are beautifull, like the sky and the clouds.

amor, bebè, bellesa
TWO SHOT: This photo has 2 main characters and wants to show us the tatoos and the baby.

Resultat d'imatges per a "coche a gran velocidad"
THE POINT OF VIEW SHOT (POV): This photo was taken in this angle to show us the velocity and how fast was the pink car going.

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